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Teaching children how to respond to a terror attack - avoid 'shock horror'.

The development by National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO), PSHE Association, backed by the Department for Education, of lesson plans for key stage 3 and 4 pupils is a great initiative. But one of the first questions students ask in these lessons is ‘what will happen if such an attack were to take place on the school site?’

We endorse the NaCTSO caveat that before teaching these new lessons, every school should ensure they have a clear and well-rehearsed safety plan for this eventuality.

If your school or youth organisation is considering delivering this life-saving information to the 11-to-16-year-olds in their care and you feel your teaching staff would like professional support in planning and delivering the material, please contact AI Schools on….

This is too important a topic to get wrong or deliver in-appropriately.


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